

How does the Airowater technology work?

Airowater machines extract moisture from the atmosphere through a process of condensation to transform air to water. The condensed water is absolutely pure and can be used for drinking purposes.


Is taking water from the atmosphere harmful to the environment?

No, condensation is a natural process, in which the water evaporates from the sea, lakes, river and ponds and converts into water vapour. This process is how we get our rainfall. There are trillion tonnes of vapour in the air. By converting this vapour into water will not harm the environment. We condense humidity using dehumidifiers and air conditioning systems at our homes, offices and in our cars.


Is there enough water in the air to produce water every day?

There are 6 to 7 trillion gallons of water in the atmosphere at any given time. This is constantly made from the sun heating our vast ocean and the natural process is continuous.


Can I really get pure drinking water from air that may have so many impurities in it?

Absolutely! There are suspended dust particles mostly in air which are filtered using antistatic and form filtration. Other gaseous impurities do not have the same temperature as water for condensation. Hence they are passed through as gases and not mixed with condensed water. The virus and bacteria which are present in air are killed by ozonating water periodically. Therefore, the water made from air in controlled environment is also very pure and good for drinking.


Is the water produced from the Airowater really pure and safe?

Yes, the water is absolutely pure, safe and clean, as well as of great taste. Since water is made from air, therefore no heavy metal or pesticides traces are present in the water. Air is passed through antistatic air filter and water is passed through series of purifier and ozonated regularly and therefore water which is produced is safe and clean.


What about the germs and bacteria in the atmosphere?

Water produced with Airowater technology machine goes through ozonation and a 4-stage filtration process that eliminates any microorganisms, including bacteria, germs and other viruses.


Does the Airowater technology have special power requirements?

Airowater technology units operate on standard 230 VAC power in Indian standard. The power requirements can be altered to adapt to the standards of any country in the world.


Is it difficult to install Airowater?

Our products require no plumbing, water lines, or pipes and therefore it is installed easily. It is just plug-and-play installation. An alternate tap water input option is also available for additional water requirements, which is also filtered.


What happens if the Airowater reservoir is full? Will the machine overflow?

Our state-of-the-art Airowater is driven by a microcomputer control system that will stop generating water when it becomes full.


Will water standing in a full reservoir get stagnant and stale?

When the water transfers from collection tank to top tank, it passes through the different levels of filtration system. Therefore the top tank is ozonized periodically to kill all possible impurities and bacteria and therefore water standing in a full reservoir does not get stagnant and stale.


Will water produced from the air in my home or offices have a funny taste or smell?

Absolutely not. The Drinkable Airowater system employs special filters to remove any unpleasant tastes or odour that may be present in the air. The result is fresh and delicious drinking water in its purest form.


How does the cost and quality of bottled water compare with Airowater technology water?

The Airowater technology units can produce water of equal or better quality more economically.


What about bottled water? Isn’t that safe and pure?

Many articles have been published revealing that some bottled water are really only reprocessed tap water. Some government studies have shown that over 30% of the bottled water tested were found to be unsafe for humans. The plastic bottle exposed to sunlight and heat can be dangerous to drink from the bottle.


Is water from an Airowater as good as the water coolers I see in offices with an inverted 5-gallon bottle on top?

The water in the bottle is good but if it remains unused for around 2 hours or if it is not cleaned and regularly maintained, bacteria and algae build up in the bottle as well. The water you drink may be contaminated. Therefore, Airowater technology water is the purest water on earth and better than water coolers.


Why do I need Airowater to bring me water anyway? What is wrong with the water I get from my tap?

Numerous articles have been written that warns one about the amount of impurities that are contained in public drinking water supplies as well as the vulnerability of public water supplies. The only way to be absolutely certain that your drinking water is really pure and safe is to produce it yourself with an Airowater.


Are there any other benefits by having an Airowater in my home or office?

Yes! The Airowater purifies the air and also acts as a dehumidifier. Plus, we have units with an optional water cooler up to 6 Celcius.


What does pH mean for water?

The indicator for acidity or alkalinity is known as the pH value. A pH value of 7 means a substance is neutral; water with a pH lower than 7 is considered acidic and with a pH greater than 7 water is considered alkaline. The normal range for pH in surface water systems is 6.5 to 8.5. The pH range in Airowater is 6.5 to 7.5.


Is water produced by an Airowater technology better than bottled water?

Water produced by the Airowater technology is the purest water on earth. Bottled water in many cases is filtered city water being processed in a manufacturing plant. Other bottled water is ‘spring’ water and there are no guarantees that it is truly pure and free from any contamination.

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